The Worker's Committee Bundle (Booklet, E-PUB, A3 poster)

Special 'The Workers' Committee' bundle for £5.
We have around 50 copies left of our first run of the reprint of 'The Workers' Committee' by JT Murphy and to celebrate the success of the first pamphlet in the Manifesto Press x StrikeMap Industrial Unionism series, we are offering our comrades this special bundle deal.
The deal includes the physical pamphlet, an ePub version and a special edition commemorative A3 poster (illustrated by Corata Group) all for £5 +p&p. There are 50 of these bundle deals available.
The Workers’ Committee is classic and important text exploring the incredible organisation of the first Shop Stewards’ Movement in early 20th century Britain. Discussing the development of shopfloor power and how to organise industrially, sectorally and geographically, Murphy’s text holds many ideas important to today’s struggles, including what next for the strike wave and how do we continue to build organisation to fight today and build a better society tomorrow.
Manifesto Press in partnership with StrikeMap present their new “Industrial Unionism” series.
As part of the industrial view of unionism and to support the development of shop stewards’ networks and ideas around them, Strike Map and Manifesto Press are producing a new pamphlet series. These texts have been chosen as they are influential historical texts that are not currently printed or require royalty costs to reprint, and provide valuable insights into questions of trade union organisation which apply today.