A Conflict of Loyalties: GCHQ 1984-1991 EPUB Version

The removal of trade union rights at the GCHQ intelligence organisation and the campaign for their restoration became a cause celebre. The spirit with which GCHQ staff resisted the Thatcher government’s attack on their civil liberties and their campaign remains an inspiration for all those fighting for the repeal of the Tory anti trade union laws.
A Conflict of Loyalties by Hugh Lanning and Richard Norton-Taylor – now an epub by Manifesto Press – recreates the events and atmosphere of the day trade unions were banned and explores the motives of the Thatcher government and GCHQ management. Examining the closed world of GCHQ they give an insight into its workings and methods.
The authors assert the fundamental importance of the right to belong to a trade union and chart the course towards the eventual restoration of trade union rights.